The Slap
- WE LIKE : an irresistible trio of actors, a caustic staging, the humor of the show and the active participation of the audience
- AGE: ideal from 10 years old
- DATES : until January 28, 2025
- LOCATION : Théâtre Gaîté Montparnasse (Paris 14th)
After Le Siffleur and its 600 performances, Fred Radix is back with a new musical, humorous and interactive show

The pitch of the show : the art of the Slap! and the mise en abyme of a play within a play, in which the audience is a stakeholder
1895 in a Parisian theatre. Auguste Levasseur, cheerleader, leads a troupe of accomplices, who, mingling with the audience, are responsible for applauding at the appropriate moments
His usual cheer team is not there. There is only an hour and a half left before the start of the premiere to have new clappers rehearse.
The new clappers are the public!
The formidable trio of actors interprets in 1 hour top, in front of the new clappers, excerpts from the show which has no less than five acts, forty musicians and thirty changes of scenery!
The pace is frenetic, the atmosphere supercharged and … It’s very funny
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