2017 Molière Award for Young Audience
2017 Molière Award for Young Audience
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, an original, funny and poetic version of Victor Hugo’s masterpiece
- WE LIKE: a new, funny and modern version of Victor Hugo’s masterpiece
- AGE: 5 to 12 years old
- DATE: until May 4, 2025
- DURATION : 1 hour
- LOCATION: Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse (Paris 14th)
- Another show by Olivier Solivérès! He is the author and director of Teens, Knights, Princess and Dragons, In the Land of Santa Claus, and the latest Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. His shows for young audiences are always a guarantee of quality and great entertainment. Not to be missed!
- Here, in this adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, he takes us back to the fifteenth century, in sumptuous settings, for an original, funny and poetic version of Victor Hugo’s masterpiece
- Sword fights, chases, duels, intrigues, love stories, action and also poetry and humour are on the programme of this twirling show
- A show for the whole family that we highly recommend

The press is talking about it…
Le Parisien – All the ingredients of a good piece are there! Victor Hugo would be proud of this spectacle.
Periscope – A very original, dynamic and frankly very funny adaptation. The comical situations follow one another in a cascade to the delight of the audience. To be discovered by the whole family.
Elle magazine – From sword fights to jokes that make people laugh from 4 to 104 years old, this adaptation is a very nice surprise!