Exceptional entertainment in the courtyard of the invalides
December 7 and 8, 2024
  • WE LIKE : free and original historical and family show
  • AGE : for all
  • DATE : December 7 and 8, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • LOCATION : Musée de l’Armée — Invalides (Paris 7th)
Saint Barbara's Day at the Musée de l'Armée

Fête de la Sainte-Barbe au musée de l’Armée : un évènement familial gratuit et original

  • As every year , the Army Museum , in collaboration with the Artillery School of Draguignan and its brass band, celebrates the feast of Saint Barbara, which is the artillerymen’s festival.
  • On the occasion of Saint Barbara’s Day, for a weekend, the Musée des Invalides offers free access to the Museum’s artillery collections, with brass bands and demonstrations
  • A little reminder: Saint Barbara is the patron saint of pyrotechnicians, gunsmiths, artillerymen, miners and firefighters. Sainte-Barbe wards off thunder, lightning, and all accidents related to the explosion of gunpowder.
  • To celebrate the feast of Saint Barbara, the courtyard of honour of the Invalides is the scene of a historic, free family show around the artillery.
  • It is a festive weekend combining performances, re-enactments and presentation of military equipment.
  • Specialists from artillery regiments retrace the evolution of artillery from the First Empire to the present day to the sound of the brass band of the Military School of Draguignan.
  • It is a free and exceptional event for the general public.
  • Children accompanied by adults are invited to meet the actors of the event. They are encouraged to answer questions in a game booklet given free of charge on site.

Opening hours of the “Feast of Saint Barbara at the Invalides”:

  • From 2 p.m. on December 7 and 8, 2024
  • Around 2:30 p.m.: brass band
  • Around 3 p.m.: artillery demonstrations by soldiers in period dress
  • Around 3:30 p.m.: cannon fire
  • From 3:45 p.m.: time for discussion with the actors of the event


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