- WE LIKE : this theatrical adaptation of the cult film that marked an entire generation – A nice surprise!
- AGE: from 11 years old
- DATE : until December 29, 2024
- DURATION: 1h30
- PLACE: Théâtre Libre (Paris 10th)
“The Dead Poets Circle”: for the 1st time in the theatre – A great success!
- The story takes place in a boarding school for boys whose motto is: tradition, honor, discipline.
- Everything changes with the arrival of a new literature teacher who opens up new horizons and shakes up conventions, to make young students discover the true meaning of life…
- Directed by Olivier Solivérès (whose shows for young people we love) and with Stéphane Freiss in the lead, in the role of the charismatic and iconoclastic professor
- The Dead Poets Society is nominated in 6 different categories at the 2024 Molières, including Best Actor for Stéphane Freiss and Best Director for Olivier Solivérès
- A strong piece that will appeal to children (from 11 years old) as well as teenagers
- A 1h30 show

La Presse talks about it…
- Le Figaro : “Rare. Jubilant. All generations are there to applaud Mr. Keating. Stéphane Freiss seduces with his casualness. He played wonderfully this non-conformism to which his flock would later pay tribute. He doesn’t just bewitch his class, he also embraces the audience. The gamble paid off. “
- Le Parisien : “Sublime. Magic. Wonderful. A high-flying theatrical whirlwind. The actors are breathtaking in their energy and talent. At the end of the first performances, the audience jumps to its feet to applaud this jewel at the top of its lungs .”
- Le Monde : “Faithful adaptation by Gérald Sibleyras, and direction both fluid and spirited by Olivier Solivérès. Emotion catches us. The cult scenes of the film brilliantly pass the ramp of the theatrical adaptation. Both excited and overwhelmed, the audience applauded wildly and gave a standing ovation to this exhilarating ode to the urgency of living .”
- Télérama : “Lively, seductive, brilliant, Stéphane Freiss exudes his charisma on stage. His students also have a sense of humour and talent. Triumph in the room for this magical, funny and sad story “