Free open-air XXL exhibition of giant sculptures of Geluck’s Cat, the famous cat from the comic strip Le Chat

From 26 March to 9 June 2021, between the Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées and the Place de la Concorde

Le Chat déambule : l’expo sympa à découvrir en famille

  • 20 giant bronze statues of the famous cat by Belgian artist Philippe Geluck are on display in the open air in the gardens of the Champs-Elysées
  • This is the opportunity to see the famous Comic Strip Cat in 3D. We admire him playing the recorder, in a ballet tutu, crushing a car, as an Atlas supporting a sphere full of waste…
  • It’s an exhibition to smile at, ideal to see with the family on a sunny day
  • Through these twenty pieces, I hope to bring joy, laughter and a certain surrealist poetry to the public that we love in Belgium ,” says the cartoonist
  • There is a mobile application, Le Chat Déambule. It provides access to a presentation sheet of each of the sculptures presented
  • The exhibition takes place in the gardens of the Champs-Elysées (between the roundabout and the Concorde)
  • It’s outdoors and it’s free

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