A medieval castle built by the architect Viollet-le-Duc

The castle of Pierrefonds
It was built at the end of the fourteenth century by Duke Louis of Orléans, then dismantled in the seventeenth. All that remained were the ramparts. Napoleon 1st bought it back. And it was Napoleon III who entrusted the architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc with the reconstruction of this ruined castle. It is a castle reinvented by Viollet-le-Duc, in a Gothic style, which will make it an ideal castle as it would have existed in the Middle Ages.
The visit of the Château de Pierrefonds:
- This castle is a castle-museum. This was the wish of Napoleon III
- It is a polychrome castle, the colour is still very present (friezes, ornamental details, frescoes…)
- Outside the castle : double ramparts, loopholes, machicolations, watchtowers (stone sentry box at the corners of the castles, bastions, to keep an eye on), the keep and the eight towers of the castle
- Inside the castle : painted and sculpted decorations, gargoyles, a walkway, the basement which houses tombs, furniture, armory…
- In the keep, you will see furniture designed by Viollet-le-Duc
- Be careful: it takes about 20 minutes to walk to reach the entrance of the castle
The visit with children:
- Children love the Middle Ages and the stories of knights and princesses… The Château de Pierrefonds will please them!
- Remember to download the children’s booklet before your visit
Free for EU residents under 18 and under 26