Theatre — ideal for ages 10 and up
- WE LIKE : Jubilant, funny, original, imaginative
- AGE: ideal from 10 years old
- DATES : until December 17, 2024
- DURATION : 1h30
- LOCATION : Théâtre Petit Montparnasse (Paris 14th)
THE BEARER OF HISTORY: the jubilant and inventive play
- The Bearer of History is the first play by Alexis Michalik, the young prodigy of contemporary French dramaturgy.
- A well-deserved success for this play which won 2 Molières: for Best Director and Best Author.

- The Bearer of History is a story within history, in history, in history… around Alexandre Dumas, but we also meet Marie Antoinette, or Delacroix…
- It’s funny, imaginative, original and led by the actors who happily move from one character to another, from one place to another, from one era to another.
- It’s an intelligent, incredible play, full of twists and turns, multi-layered intrigues and historical or literary winks.
- A 1h30 show
La Presse talks about it…
- LE FIGARO : “A dizzying joy”
- L’EXPRESS : “In a word: great!”
- TELERAMA: “A challenge to boredom. A jubilant madness. An extravagant whirlwind.”
- LE PARISIEN : “Full of twists and turns, drawer intrigues and historical or literary winks, this show is an experience in itself”
On aime toutes les pièces d’Alexis Michalik
- Alexis Michalik has the talent to make young audiences love the theatre.
- Today all his songs are hits and we are fans.
- His style, very personal, is flamboyant and virtuosic.
- Alexis Michalik fearlessly multiplies the characters and the plots intersect in his plays. We are bewitched by the stories that are told to us, the nods to the literature and history of France.
His three plays “The Bearer of Stories”, “The Circle of Illusionists” and “Edmond“, although very different in substance, are based on the same principle of Russian dolls. His stories fit together to tell a story inspired by history! Each of his 3 plays has won several Molières.