- WE LIKE : dazzling photos, by a great humanist photographer
- AGE : Ideal from 7 years old
- DATE : until July 31, 2022
- OPENING HOURS : every day from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm — Late opening on Wednesdays until 10 pm
- VISIT TIME : allow at least 1 hour
- LOCATION : Musée Maillol (Paris 7th)
Steve McCurry, un grand photographe humaniste
- “The world of Steve McCurry” tells the story of elsewhere and takes us on a journey of discovery of the vast world
- But what jumps out at you when visiting this exhibition is the evidence of the common values that make up the human species. Steve McCurry is a humanist and it is life stories that he presents to us
- Some of his photos tell the story of war and do not shy away from the brutality of it, but many speak of people’s daily lives, the lives of ordinary people in the four corners of the world
- We see children playing with hoops in front of baobab trees or playing with weapons in Afghanistan. We see warriors with their children in their arms, women in niqabs window shopping in Kabul…
- The exhibition “The World of Steve McCurry” is composed of more than 150 large-format photos
- From the young Afghan woman with green eyes photographed in 1984, through the collapse of the Twin Towers in 2001, to the monumental shots of the Antarctic landscapes, the exhibition “The World of Steve McCurry” offers a magnificent retrospective of the works of the American photographer
- The tour begins with a selection of black and white war photographs taken in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1980 at the time of the Soviet invasion
- The rest of the tour is neither thematic nor chronological. It is a dive into the heart of cultures from all over the world, of everyone’s daily life
- Born in 1950 in Philadelphia, Steve McCurry is known worldwide for his photos taken in Afghanistan at the time of the Soviet invasion. He worked on various battlefields from Beirut to Cambodia, from Kuwait to the former Yugoslavia. What interests him is not conflicts, but how people’s lives are impacted by them
- A game booklet is offered at the entrance for children : booklet for children under 6 years old and another for older children. The children turn into great reporters and go in search of the photos of the exhibition. They observe the details.

– Une expo extraordinaire
Écrit par Martine REMY, le 05-08-2022
Des photos d’une grande sensibilité artistique et humaine; un régal pour les yeux et le coeur. Parfois l’espace est un peu restreint notamment pour prendre du recul. Steve McCurry est un photographe qui donne des idées de photos aux photographes sensibles à l’humain.
– Expo Steve McCurry
Écrit par Wandrille de Thomassin, le 12-06-2022
Quelques photos d’Amerique Latine qui selon moi n’ont pas vraiment leur place dans l’expo. Pour le reste, tout simplement magnifique: chaque photographie est source d’émerveillement, de surprise mais surtout de prise de conscience. À voir absolument
– Steve Mac curry
Écrit par Patrick Avignon , le 06-06-2022
– Expo Steve MC curry
Écrit par sophie courtin, le 26-05-2022
On a adoré! Dommage il n y avait plus de livrets pour faire la visite avec les enfants.
– Steve Mac curry
Écrit par LOIK GERARD, le 21-04-2022
– Magnifique exposition pour les âges
Écrit par Marie-Jo Cancre, le 19-04-2022
Des portraits d’hommes et de femmes, d’enfants, d’adultes, de vieillards, parfois souriants, parfois graves, tous saisissants de beauté et d’humanité.
– Exposition à faire en famille
Écrit par Aurore Pastor , le 12-04-2022
Très beau moment de partage avec mon fils de 11 ans Nous avons particulièrement apprécié les clichés de Mc curry et toute la logistique autour très ludique pour les enfants
Things to do in the vicinity of the Maillol Museum
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