Nominated for the Molières 2024 (best young audience show category)

  • WE LOVE A very good musical show for children
  • AGE : from 5 years
  • DATE : from 12/10/2024 to 05/01/2025
  • DURATION: 1h20
  • LOCATION: at the Théâtre de la Renaissance

Denver, the last dinosaur

In 1985, in California, a group of youngsters discover a dinosaur egg in a wasteland. The gigantic baby is christened Denver by his new best friends. Unfortunately, it becomes the target of a shady producer desperate to make money...

Dive with nostalgia into the never-before-seen adaptation of the cult 80s cartoon "Denver the Last Dinosaur". A family musical full of surprises with Dino Rockeur and his band of actor-singers on stage at the Théâtre de la Renaissance!

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