The new show of the Equestrian Company of the Château de Chantilly

  • We like: the funny and magical world that makes children dream
  • Date: December 2, 2023 to January 7, 2024 (no classes on December 25 and January 1)
  • SCHEDULE : shows at 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm
  • Age: from 3 years old
  • Duration: approximately 1 hour (the show ticket gives access to the visit of the castle’s Great Stables)
  • Place: Château de Chantilly (under the Dome of the Great Stables)
  • FREE : free for children under 3 years old on their parents’ lap

“Désirée”, a flamboyant show full of humour and poetry

“Désirée” is the new Christmas creation of the Equestrian Company of the Château de Chantilly

Under the Dome of the Stables of the Château de Chantilly, sumptuously decorated with flowers, you will discover theChantilly riders accompanied by three acrobats on horseback

On the program, in this sparkling place: Cossack and classic Voltigeacts, but also prowess, quadrilles, bows, and acrobaticson the ground.

Burlesque and humor all in costumes that will delight young and old alike! So, enter with your family into the wonderful story of “Désirée”…

  • Once upon a time there was a king and queen who despaired of having a child…
  • It is thanks to the miraculous “Fountain of Wishes” to which her mother went, that the long-awaited Désirée arrived
  • But that was without taking into account the curse of the Fairy of the Fountain : Désirée would have to stay out of the light of day until she was 18
  • Fortunately, Désirée is surrounded by three benevolent fairies who built her a huge palace lit by a thousand candles, marble, diamonds and emeralds
  • Only, Giroflée and Longue Épine, the daughters of his nanny are also there…
Christmas Equestrian Show 2023 – “Desiree”

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€