- Circus -
  • WE LOVE : a show that pays homage to our roots and enters the connected world of tomorrow
  • AGE :  for all, from 3 years old
  • DATE:  from October 5, 2024 to August 10, 2025
  • DURATION : 1h30
  • HOURS at 3pm on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays and during school vacations (zone C)
  • LOCATION:   Capital Bormann (Paris 15th)

Arbre, Cirque Bormann's new show

  • New family show, between tradition and modernity under a comfortable big top just a stone's throw from the Parc André-Citroën (15th)
  • On the ring during the show, the classic acts of a circus still rooted in tradition follow one another, while special effects, performance and theater bring it fully into the 21st century.
  • With this lovely 1h30 show, the Bormann family pays tribute to their roots and to the 45 years they spent under a Parisian big top.
  • Around a magical, mysterious tree, eight generations are evoked with brio and tenderness.
  • A tree, roots and Arian shows, Bormann Circus also tackles heritage and sustainable development while staying connected!
  • ARBRE is a breath of fresh air, a breath of fantasy for all ages, and from 3 years

Circus Bormann, a traditional and family circus in Paris

  • Since 7 generations the Moreno-Bormann and Pauwels families perpetuate the art and tradition of the great Circus.
  • The circus Bormann is one of the last big family circuses. He is intalled all year round in Paris for 35 years
  • It is made up of more than 10 artists trained in circus art from their childhood.
  • The circus Bormann presents in the pure circus tradition shows with clowns, horses, camels, jugglers, trapeze numbers ...
  • The circus Bormann is a circus on a human scale, close to its public.

Trailer - Cirque Bormann - Tree - trailer

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