Theatre – ideal for ages 3-6
  • WE LIKE : a real comic comedy for young audiences
  • AGE : ideal for 3 – 6 years old
  • DATES : until November 28, 2021
  • DURATION : 50 minutes
  • LOCATION: Théâtre Essaion (Paris 4th)
The novel of Renart

LE ROMAN DE RENART : la pièce comédie bouffonne inspirée d’un texte du moyen-âge

  • Originally, the Roman de Renart is a medieval set of animal stories
  • Here the modern adaptation takes up the most hilarious moments of the Roman de Renart
  • The Parciparlà Company has made a masterful comic and animal comedy out of it
  • An interactive show where the whole room cries with laughter
  • The pitch : In the henhouse of the King’s court, Noble Le Lion, Pinte la Poule has disappeared. Accused, is Renart the cunning guilty or innocent?
  • A 50-minute show

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