Until September 24, 2023
  • WE LIKE : a musical show inspired by La Fontaine
  • AGE: from 18 months
  • DATE : Until September 24, 2023
  • DURATION: 35 minutes
  • LOCATION: at the Essaïon theater (Paris 4th)
  • Musical show for toddlers inspired by La Fontaine’s fables
  • It mixes original songs and sound explorations, humor and poetry.
  • Rémi Do loves melodies, Gagaboum noises. Gagaboum sings about the city, Rémi Do about the fields…
Rémi Do and Gagaboum, the musical show for toddlers

The press talks about it

LE PARISIEN – “A show for toddlers, funny and lively (…) The tone is mischievous, the staging, full of fantasy for this city rat and country rat version 2.0 (…) Songs full of wit, which La Fontaine would not have denied.”

Shows for the little ones in Paris

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