A medieval city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Despite the very particular health context, the city of Provins offers activities and getaways to do with the family during the February holidays.

Among these activities: medieval cooking, strolling through a remarkable garden, playing at being little budding explorers, visiting Provins and its region by electric bike, visiting an educational farm, discovering the Rose of Provins…

The outings that are maintained during the February holidays will be done provided that there are enough registrants. You must register online (or by phone), the chosen outing will then be confirmed to you

For activities outside Provins, you need a car to get to the various meeting points

A Day at the Educational Farm

Mercy Educational Farm (Chenoise)

With the youngest

Discovery day: visit + workshop “From wheat to bread”
Price : €12.50 per person
Meeting point : Meeting point Route de la Croix, on the D12, 77160 Chenoise
Bring your picnic
(shop local products)
Free for children under 3 years old

Saint-Hilliers Educational Farm

With the youngest

Attending the birth of a small chick, milking a goat, cutting wool on the backs of sheep, feeding farm animals, brushing donkeys…
Where : 7 km from Provins
Price : €9 per person
Free for children in strollers
Plan your picnic

Gourmet and sporty getaway in Provins

Ideally with pre-teens and teens

In the morning : medieval cooking workshop (quiche with aromatic herbs, chickpea pancake, visitandine with almonds) – The tasting is done on site
In the afternoon: a skike-trek ride (a discipline accessible to beginners, between rollerblading, Nordic walking and cross-country skiing). You must wear at least size 36 to be equipped
Price : 56 € /person (lunch included)

(Electric) bike ride and visit to a remarkable garden

Ideally with pre-teens and teens

In the morning : visit the charming village. Then from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm: arrival in Verdelot and visit of the educational hive of Véron Apiculture
At lunchtime : meal at the Jardin du Point du Jour, in the form of a meal tray made up of the best products of our region.
In the afternoon : free visit of the garden classified as “Remarkable Garden”, in which you can admire plant sculptures, including the large
Distance : a picturesque walk of about 35km
Departure : Saint-Cyr-sur-Morin
For whom? With pre-teens and teens who pedal well
Price : €30 /person (lunch included)

Nature getaway by (electric) bike in the Val du Haut Morin

Ideally with children from 12 years old

In the morning : guided electric bike ride to discover the Val du Haut Morin, a site classified as a sensitive natural area
At lunchtime : meal tray with local products
In the afternoon : visit to a goat farm and tastings of local cheese specialties from the Biquettes de Romnel.
For whom? With children from 12 years old (or children on the parents’ baby carrier) – Between adults
Price : 56 € /person (lunch included)

Nature getaway (on foot) and heritage Donnemarie-Dontilly

With the family, with good walkers

Morning : discovery of the Bassée nature reserve with a licensed guide (Gouaix)
Lunch on your own (remember to bring your picnic)
Afternoon : guided tour of Donnemarie-Dontilly, classified as a “Village of Character”
For whom? Family (with children from 8/10 years old) – Between adults
Price : €35 per person

Also to do south of Paris

(as soon as the health situation allows)

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