Addresses and practical information by arrondissement

Paris has 39 swimming pools open to the public. But only 14 pools with small pool for children, The small pools are shallow (max 1m50), they allow parents or grandparents to go to the pool with toddlers or very young children. It is impossible to enter the opening hours of each pool here. Each Parisian swimming pool has its own opening hours that change according to the school holidays. Click on the link indicated to find out the opening hours of the pools with small pools.

The Jean Taris swimming pool (5th)

The Roger Rigal swimming pool (11th)

The Jean Boiteux swimming pool ex. Reuilly (12′)

The Butte aux Cailles swimming pool (13th)

The Emile Anthoine swimming pool (15th)

  • 12.50m x 6m pool
  • Max depth 1m30 – Water temperature 27°

The Keller swimming pool (15th)

The swimming pool of Auteuil (16th)

The Henry de Montherlant swimming pool (16th)

The Bernard Lafay swimming pool (17th)

The Champeret swimming pool (17th)

The Dauvin swimming pool (18th)

The Hébert swimming pool (18th)

The Mathis swimming pool (19th)

  • Address: 15 Rue Mathis, 75019 Paris
  • Pool of 12.50m x 6m – Max depth 1.30m – Water temperature between 30 and 31° during the week

The Pailleron swimming pool (19th)

Ideas for outings and activities with little ones

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€