Free – In the 7th

Some questions about the Legion of Honor that the visit will answer:

  • What is the Legion of Honor?
  • Who created the Legion of Honor?
  • Who can receive it and who can give it?
  • How many people have already received it?

The visit to the Legion of Honor Museum in 5 steps

It is a journey through the history of France and the world that this small museum offers us. The tour begins with a presentation of the history of the Salm Palace and the history of the museum. The visit then continues with the discovery of 5 rooms (5 spaces) in which you can discover paintings, weapons, art objects, costumes and documents.

Interactive screens present the history of French decorations from the Middle Ages to the present day. They also explain the current functioning of the national orders and their members.

  • The Royal Orders Room : Order of St. Michael, Order of the Holy Spirit, Order of St. Louis, Institution of Military Merit…
  • The Legion of Honour Room : Arms of Reward and Honour, Legion of Honour, Orders of the Iron Crown and of Reunion, Orders of the Emperor’s Brothers…
  • The Mario Spada Room dedicated to foreign orders: more than 400 orders from 122 states, past and present.
  • The contemporary room : decorations from the Revolution, the Restoration, the Second Empire (Military Medal and commemorative medals), the two world wars…

The visit ends with the medals of honour, the colonial and ministerial orders and the National Order of Merit, the second national order created by General de Gaulle in 1963.

Exceptional and rare objects can be found at the Musée de la Légion d’Honneur

  • A cuirass and a parade helmet of Napoleon I dating from 1807
  • Military Medal and Croix de Guerre of Marshal Foch (1851-1929)
  • Manuscript of the Partisan Song, 1943
  • Current Legion of Honor Necklace

Also to do near the Tuileries

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