Musical tale — ideal for ages 3-6
  • WE LIKE : a musical show, for the hearing impaired too
  • AGE : ideal for 3 – 6 years old
  • DATES : until November 20, 2021
  • DURATION : 45 minutes
  • LOCATION: Comédie Nation (Paris 11th)
Poster of the play Mia's Nightmare

LE CAUCHEMAR DE MIA : un conte musical pour les enfants entendants, malentendants et sourds

  • Mia’s Nightmare is a musical tale for 3 to 6 year olds, with very nice songs
  • It is interpreted in both French and sign language
  • Sign language adds a beautiful poetry to the staging
  • Mia sets off to visit the land of nightmares. She confronts her fears and learns to tame them
  • This show allows the child to put words to his emotions and to understand that the nightmare is useful, that it allows him to clean up what scares him in reality
  • The pitch : Tonight Mia does everything she can to delay bedtime. She is afraid of the dark, afraid of being alone in her room and above all afraid of having a nightmare. But if last night, Mia’s nightmare turned into a magnificent adventure…
  • A 45-minute show

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€