  • We like: very successful introduction to La Fontaine’s fables
  • Age: from 4 years old
  • Duration: until September 4, 2022
  • Place: Comédie Saint Michel (Paris 5th)

5 fables by La Fontaine, recited and mimed by an extraordinary ventriloquist actor

  • Slow and steady wins the race!
  • This show presents 5 of La Fontaine’s fables: the Wolf and the Lamb, the Hare and the Tortoise, the Lion and the Rat, the Cicada and the Ant and the Raven and the Fox
  • The fables are told and explained with the animals and then recited by an extraordinary ventriloquist actor
  • The children laugh a lot, and the parents love it
  • A 50-minute show
The Fables of La Fontaines: a tasty selection at the Comédie Saint Michel theatre

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