Theatre—ideal for ages 2 and up
  • WE LIKE : a show for toddlers about the need to save nature
  • Age: ideal for 2-6 year olds
  • Dates : June 30 to August 25, 2021
  • Location : Théâtre de Verdure – Shakespeare Garden (In the Bois de Boulogne Paris 16th)
Kimbiri at the Green Theatre

KIMBIRI : spectacle écologique pour les tout-petits au théâtre de Verdure

  • A show for toddlers in the magnificent settingof the Théâtre de Verdure in the Bois de Boulogne
  • Follow the extraordinary adventures of little Kimbiri sent in search of water in order to save the forest and its animals…
  • The animals are afraid: humans are destroying the forest and they have blocked the water source. Kimbiri goes in search of the magic drops of water to save the forest, animals and people…
  • Kimbiri, the water seeker is an extraordinary journey evoking the need to protect nature
  • A 55-minute show

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