? Competition?

On the occasion of the Feline Festival which will take place on June 10 and 11, 2023 at the Jardin des Plantes,
20 invitations are to be won
for the exhibition “Felines” at the Grande Galerie de l’Evolution

3 families will be drawn (4 invitations per family)
2 families will be drawn at random on the Familin’Paris Instagram account (4 invitations per family)
May 23 to 28, 2023, midnight

An exhibition for the general public, from 5 years old

To try your luck,
Fill out the questionnaire below,
before midnight on May 28, 2023.
? Good luck to all?


The game consists of a draw of the participants. Entries for the draw are open from May 23 to 28, 2023 at midnight. To register for the draw, participants must fill in the questionnaire and validate it. A draw will designate 3 winners. One prize = 4 invitations for the exhibition “Les Félins” at the Grande Galerie de l’Evolution. The identity of the participants will not be disclosed at any time. Draw on May 29, 2023. Prizes are not eligible for cash or consideration of any kind. Winners will be notified by email on May 29, 2023.

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€