For children from 3 years old

I’m the strongest (and other wolf stories)

  • WE LIKE: a mischievous show about the wolf in children’s tales
  • AGE: for 3 – 6 years old
  • DATE : until November 13, 2022
  • DURATION: 45 minutes
  • PLACE: Théâtre du Lucernaire (Paris 6th)
I'm the strongest

Free seating

  • In a forest setting, the 3 little pigs play wolf to the tune of “Let’s walk in the woods”.
  • They are joyful until the real wolf appears
  • Arrogant and pretentious, he comes to confront all the characters of the tales who inhabit these woods: the 3 little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the 7 dwarfs…
  • He wants to make sure that he is the strongest, the most beautiful, the smartest, but he will quickly become disillusioned. He will have to accept that he is not always a winner
  • A show full of humour about the fear of the wolf where puppets and traditional nursery rhymes are mixed
  • Free seating
  • We advise you to arrive about 20 minutes before the start of the performance to be able to sit in the seat of your choice

Ideas for outings with children in Paris

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