Until September 17, 2023
At the Museum of Decorative Arts
  • LOCATION : at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Paris 1st)
  • AGE: from 7-8 years old
  • Date : until September 17, 2023
  • OPENING HOURS : from 11 am to 6 pm (ticket office closes at 5:15 pm)
  • WHEN : Tuesday to Sunday (except Monday)
  • CLOSED : Monday, May 1st
  • NOCTURNE : Thursdays until 9 p.m.
  • PRICE: €14 (exhibition + permanent collections)
  • FREE : -26 years old
  • Note: it is better to book your ticket online for a visit on Saturday and Sunday
  • Your ticket allows you to see all the exhibitions (permanent and temporary)

Shaggy or orderly, hair and hair have shaped our appearances

  • Located in the Louvre and Tuileries districts, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs takes us on a fascinating fresco of social history where more than 600 works are presented to visitors.
  • With so much to see and observe, children will find something to satisfy their curiosity!
  • Perceived as an attribute of the wild beast, hair and hair had to be mastered and tamed to differentiate itself from the animal
  • From the veil covering the head, to the complexity of the braids of the 15th century to the most extravagant hairstyles of the eighteenthand nineteenth centuries, women’s hair fashion is the marker of a certain social belonging… but in thetwenty-first century everything changes!
  • On the men’s side, while antiquity banished the athlete’s hair, the Renaissance erected moustaches and goatees as a symbol of virile and warrior courage, while the man of the court powdered his face and hid his hair under a wig!
  • A vast subject that brings us to the punks, grunges and other “hipsters” of today!
  • From wigs to hairpieces, from art to hair know-how to the fashion object established in Haute-Couture, this fascinating exhibition in Paris questions young and old alike about the importance given to hair throughout history.

The Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris

  • The Musée des Arts Décoratif , which was inaugurated in 1905, is located on rue de Rivoli in the Marsan wing of the Palais du Louvre
  • Today it is a museum dedicated mainly to the Applied Fine Arts that can be found in furniture, ceramics, graphic design or the design of all kinds of objects of today. Its motto is to pursue “the realization of beauty in utility”
  • It is a very educational museum where you can learn to discover styles and techniques by walking through rooms organized in “period rooms” from the Middle Ages to the present day
  • In the same building is the Museum of Fashion and Textile
  • In addition to the permanent collections, the Musée des Arts Décoratif presents exciting and often offbeat exhibitions

In the Louvre and Tuileries district

  • You can continue the visit to the Louvre Museum of course! Or simply go for a walk outside. A vast car-free playground!
  • Or discover Monet’s Water Lilies at the Musée de l’Orangerie and take a tour of the Jeu de Paume Museum accessible nearby, from the Tuileries Garden
  • But also simply stroll along the arcades of the rue de Rivoli and go to the peaceful garden of the Palais Royal , absolutely fabulous in spring

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
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