Funfairs appeared in the nineteenth century in France. They are part of our heritage and are the temple of entertainment for a whole audience (parents with children and teenagers, groups of young people, etc.). There are the traditional merry-go-rounds, bumper cars, shooting ranges, angling… And every year, new rides appear. It is also an opportunity to eat churros, candy apples, cotton candy and other sweets. Funfairs are seasonal. Admission is generally free and attractions are charged. In Paris, at the beginning of spring, it isthe Foire du Trône (Reuilly lawn) that starts the festivities. Also, the Tuileries festival (Tuileries Garden) in July and August and the festival in Neu-Neu (Bois de Boulogne). In Saint-Germain en Laye (in the 78), during the summer, it is the Fête des Loges that will delight families. Not quite a funfair but rather a mini amusement park, the Jardin d’Acclimatation is a paradise for toddlers.
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