Exhibition event at the Grande Halle de la Villette
  • WE LIKE : a fascinating exhibition thanks to an exceptional and immersive scenography
  • AGE : Ideal from 8 years old
  • DATES : until December 24, 2021
  • WHERE : Grande Halle de la Villette (Paris 19th)
  • PRICES : Adult €20; Child (8 to 25 years old) 15€ – Family (2 adults – 2 children): 15€ per person

Napoléon l’exposition évènement

On the occasion of the bicentenary of his death, La Villette is offering a spectacular exhibition on Napoleon, a political and military figure as complex as he is controversial.

  • The Exhibition presents the life of Napoleon in all its facets. From the historical and political figure to the intimate man.
  • Napoleon the Exhibition” paints an accurate and uncompromising portrait of a fascinating character who has shaped France to this day.
  • It is the incredible destiny of a complex character that is told to us. Napoleon was at once admired and controversial, victorious and defeated, heroic and tragic. Moreover, the character’s romanticism still fascinates us today.
  • The exhibition is held in the Grand Halle de la Villette, the same place where the exhibition Tutankhamun, the Pharaoh’s Treasure was held in 2019. You may remember the crowds and the queue back in the day (it seems so long ago…). This new exhibition on Napoleon should also be an event, and given the expected success and the implementation of a gauge to limit the number of people present at the same time, it seems imperative to us to book your tickets as soon as possible (individual or family dated tickets).

Napoleon the exhibition at La Villette
Napoleonic bivouac at the Napoleon exhibition at La Villette

Une scénographie exceptionnelle, une expo adaptée aux enfants dès 8 ans

  • The exhibition, thanks to its masterful scenography, is an excellent introduction to the character of Napoleon for young people from 8 years old. This is a remarkably educational exhibition.
  • Spectacular reconstructions and more than 150 original pieces, brought together for the first time, follow one another in a chronological tour.
  • The presence of vast historical re-enactments (such as the first chamber at Fontainebleau or its bivouac in the countryside, or an evocation of the Egyptomania that accompanied his reign) as well as numerous digital devices allow a real immersion in the heart of a decisive moment in the history of France.
  • Campaigns and travels, court life, social developments, religion, defeats and political downfall… All subjects are addressed, without taboos.
  • This exhibition is structured around 9 parts : the years of apprenticeship; the campaigns in Italy (1796) and Egypt (1799); the coup d’état of 18 Brumaire and the Consulate; the advent of the Empire; Napoleon and his private life; Napoleon, the war leader; Napoleonand Europe; the decline of the Empire with the Spanish campaign (1808) and the Russian campaign (1812); the Hundred Days and its final fall after the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Spectacular reconstructions evoke the arts and court life that left a lasting mark on the decorative arts (furniture and art objects in the Egyptian spirit in particular, following the Egyptian campaign).
  • Many important pieces are presented: from the reconstruction of an enormous throne to the sedan of the wedding of Napoleon and Marie-Louise, and paintings of the young Bonaparte…

painting by Jean Louis David at the exhibition on Napoleon at the Grande Halle de la Villette

And also: the other exhibitions and museums around History:

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