Musée de la Poste (in the 15th arrondissement)

Musée de la Poste

  • WE love : a low-budget, informative exhibition on the original theme of message carriers
  • Age :  from 7-8 years
  • Dates:  until November 4, 2024
  • Location: at the Musée de la Poste (75015)
  • Ticket gives access to permanent and temporary exhibitions
  • For kids a game booklet for 7-12 year-olds about the Musée de la Poste
  • FREE for under-26s (EU nationals)

Did you know ? Did you know where Marathon is located? In Greece, north of the capital, 42km from the city center.

What's the connection between Philippides, who announced the Greek victory at Marathon, and Postman Cheval? They were both message carriers. 

Discover a thematic exhibition that takes you on an inspiring journey through sporting achievements, historical heritage and contemporary art.

Labelled a Cultural Olympiad by Paris 2024, this exhibition is dedicated to bringing the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games to life, beyond the sporting events, through a most original perspective!

The Post Office Museum

A unique, playful museum that takes us to the ends of the earth.

Not far from the Tour MontparnassePost Office Museum traces the history of the post office from the Middle Ages to the present day

Step into the shoes of a letter carrier, sort mail or engrave stamps: the Musée de la Poste offers some great original activities (workshops, themed tours, readings) for young and old alike.

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