A real family recipe
Egg-free chocolate cream

They are more economical than creams bought in stores. And so much better! It is the family dessert par excellence that is passed down from generation to generation. An idea for an activity for a day of confinement or a rainy day…

THE INGREDIENTS (for about 6 small jars or ramekins):

  • 1/2 l milk
  • 60gr of sugar
  • 125gr of chocolate
  • 30gr of flour (or 10gr of cornflour)
  • 1 vanilla bean (optional)


  • Melt the chocolate in very little water (ideally in a double boiler)
  • When it is melted, add the milk, sugar and vanilla.
  • Boil. Cover and let infuse.
  • Dilute the flour (or cornflour) with 3 or 4 tablespoons of water
  • Gradually pour over the hot chocolate from which you have removed the vanilla
  • Return the mixture to the heat and cook, stirring for 5 to 6 minutes
  • You can add a knob of butter at the end.
  • Pour into a bowl or small jars.
  • Refrigerate them before serving


1 – Add a few small pieces of orange peel, it flavors the cream and it’s delicious!
2 – You can also pour the preparation into a large porcelain dish with a rim not too high (for a family dessert)


Cool recipes with children

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