- WE LIKE: brilliant, stunning, hair-raising, joyful
- AGE: from 12 years old
- DATE: until December 22, 2024
- DURATION: 1h50
- PLACE: Théâtre du Palais Royal (Paris 1st)
The play “Edmond”
- Edmond, one of Alexis Michalik’s successful plays, retraces the creation of “Cyrano de Bergerac”.
- The play imagines the crazy days during which the young Rostand (29 years old) composed Cyrano de Bergerac in record time.
- Based on real events, imagining the rest, Michalik with Edmond, describes how, in debt and without inspiration, Edmond Rostand, manages to convince the illustrious Constant Coquelin to play in his next play of which he has only the idea, a few lines and a title: “Cyrano de Bergerac”.
- The play borrows from all genres : cinema, soap operas, television, comics, the boulevard and mixes the authentic and the fictional with a diabolical skill and a nice sense of lies.
- In Edmond, we meet Sarah Bernhardt, Feydeau, Labiche and even Ravel! The scenes follow one another with a speed and efficiency that take your breath away.
- Caught up in the plot, we laugh, we are moved, we are exasperated, exactly as in front of Cyrano de Bergerac.
- Edmond is a joyful, virtuoso comedy full of witticisms. The actors are excited to tell their stories, and the audience is excited to hear them.
- 12 actors on stage to interpret more than 30 characters. It’s bright and full of panache. “Amazing, hair-raising, joyful… ” says the press unanimously. Edmond won 5 Molières in 2017, including the Molières for French-speaking author, director of private theatre, and best show in private theatre.

Alexis Michalik, le nouveau prodige du théâtre français ?
- Alexis Michalik, a young author who is now very well known, has a style of his own.
- He stages mise-en-abymes thanks to sophisticated and dizzying narratives, crazy stories but always a little true. His virtuosity in the service of history and stories has brought to the theatre a young audience eager for emotions and frenzied narratives.
- His three plays “Le Porteur d’Histoire“, “Le Cercle des illusionnistes” and “Edmond”, are built on the same principle. Des histoires qui s’emboitent les unes dans les autres pour raconter une histoire inspirée de l’Histoire ! “Moi je porte une histoire. J’ai croisé la route d’une histoire tellement incroyable, tellement extraordinaire qu’elle a changé ma vie, qu’elle est devenue ma vie.” Ainsi commençait, en 2012, la première pièce d’Alexis Michalik, une formule annonciatrice de nombreuses histoires à venir. Une recette peut-être, mais qui rencontre chaque fois son public et le succès.
- Each of his 3 plays has won several Molières.