Exhibition at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie
- WE LIKE: the exhibition that invites children to explore the world of contrasts and opposites
- AGE: for 2 – 7 years old
- DATE: until December 31, 2021
- LOCATION: Cité des Sciences – La Villette (Paris 19th)

Contraires : l’expo top pour les tout-petits
- The exhibition Contraires at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie is for curious children from 2 to 7 years old
- She invites children to explore the world of contrasts and opposites
- It is a sensory and playful stroll through an unusual village that is teeming with unexpected elements
- During this walk through this strange village, the children experience the pairs of opposites : big/small, fast/slow, high/low, light/dark
- The Contraires exhibition is designed as a village that includes 5 distinct spaces (the school, the bazaar, the house, the street, the park). During a stroll through this village, the little ones will discover contrasts and nuances through games, manipulations, films and interactive activities
- The ideal exhibition for toddlers
- Reservation very very recommended!