Kid Friendly addresses where children are kings and parents are quiet

A place to live, a themed restaurant or an associative place, all these addresses offer fun installations or play corners, play areas or real playgroundslike at He (in the 11th arrondissement of Paris). These Family Friendly addresses allow children to have fun while parents eat, have a drink or have a coffee. But parents don’t just go there to have peace! They are also places to share with their toddlers or places to exchange with other parents. And if you have older children, for your family evenings, several restaurants and fun bars with board games.

At HE, a fun Asian restaurant (in the 11th)

  • An incredible XXL playroom for 3 to 10 year olds
  • 4, Cité de l’Ameublement, 75011 Paris
  • An entire floor reserved for children from 3 to 10 years old, with a 350m2 mini amusement park
  • Children will have fun with the pirate ship and its cannons, the small maze, a giant slide, a giant interactive screen, a disco room, a ball pool…
  • The room is equipped with cameras, the children are under control!
  • On the menu, very good Asian cuisine (from northern China)
  • Tuesday to Thursday from 12 noon to 2:30 pm and from 7 pm to 10:30 pm, Friday from 12 pm to 2:30 pm and from 7 pm to 11:30 pm and Sunday from 12 pm to 10:30 pm
  • PRICE: access to the playground included in the children’s menu (at €19.90) and €10/child if they do not take the children’s menu
  • More info about Chez HE

The Cafézoide, the children’s café (in the 19th arrondissement)

  • A friendly and family place to spend good time with the children
  • 92 bis, Quai de la Loire, 75019 Paris, Métro Laumière
  • It is a unique place in Paris, a place of life and meeting between parents, mothers, nannies
  • The Cafézoide offers workshops for children and games available to children
  • As for the restaurant, on the plate a unique dish, with organic and fair trade products, at very low prices. You can also come for a drink or a coffee
  • Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm
  • More info about the Cafézoide

The Super Café, a family address (in the 20th)

  • A very pretty, cosy place where you feel good
  • 16, rue de Fontarabie, 20th – Alexandre Dumas metro station
  • A place of family life, half café half restaurant for a drink, snack or lunch
  • For children, a reading hut, play areas…
  • On sunny days, a very pleasant terrace, where children can play
  • Tuesday to Thursday from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm, Friday to Saturday from 10:30 am to midnight and Sunday from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm (closed on Mondays)
  • For lunch, the kitchen is open until 2 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday and until 3 p.m. on weekends
  • More info about the Super Café

A nice restaurant with a playground or playground to show us?
Do not hesitate to contact us!

Ideas in Paris with young children…

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le billet adulte à 13€ au lieu de 17€
le billet enfant à 6,50€ au lieu de 8€