To make children eat vegetables!
Carrot cake with cumin

Thank you to Fabienne (who cooks wonderfully) for this recipe that is as pretty as it is delicious. Perfect for dinner, hot with a salad or cold for a summer lunch.

INGREDIENTS (for 6 to 8 people):

  • 2 puff pastries
  • 4 orange carrots, 4 black carrots, 4 yellow carrots
  • 1 tablespoon cumin
  • 20cl of liquid cream
  • 5 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • 150 g grated Comté cheese
  • salt, pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 180° (gas mark 6)
  • Keep an egg yolk for egg wash
  • Peel the carrots and cut them into sticks of 5mm to 1cm.
  • Steam the carrots for about 20 minutes (cooking the black carrots separately so that they do not color the others)
  • Beat the eggs (including the egg white) with the liquid cream. Add a tablespoon of cumin. Season with salt and pepper.
  • In a buttered springform pan (about 20cm), place 1 batter , slightly overflowing it
  • Put a layer of carrot (half) then a layer of Comté ( half) and repeat the operation
  • Pour the mixture (egg + cream) over the carrots
  • Brush the edge of the dough with the egg yolk. Close with the 2nd paste and seal them. Grid the top of the dough with the tip of a knife
  • Bake for about 45 minutes


1 – You can add chopped onions
2 – If you can’t find yellow or black carrots, orange carrots will do just fine
3 – You can replace the Comté cheese with another grated cheese


Cool recipes with children

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