Ultra practical for parents, the animators take care of everything and come to your home with all the equipment. You only take care of the snack! It’s a very nice, original and fun outdoor activity that is a hit with children and teenagers alike.

The initiation is easy and therefore very quickly the children can move, move, play (unlike skateboarding, which is more difficult to master). It takes an average of 15 minutes for the most gifted and 30 to 45 minutes for the less adventurous for the initiation

The teams of animators are very cool but “very keen” on safety, respect for others, good camaraderie between the children during the games

Birthday on a Hoverboard at Home

The Birthday Hoverboard at Home Formula

  • The anniversary begins with an introduction to the practice of Hoverboarding
  • Then group and fun games :
    • Team relay race
    • Slalom Challenge
    • The sparrowhawk on a hoverboard
    • Collecting objects on a hoverboard
  • 1 animator per group of 8 children or teenagers
  • A complete kit to protect themselves is provided to each child (wearing a helmet, yellow vest, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards
  • (snack is not included in this package)

  • Number of children : 5 children minimum (no maximum)
  • Location : the teams travel to their homes (in Paris and Île-de-France) with all the equipment
  • Parents must make sure that the location of the activity chosen (close to their home) is large enough to accommodate the children, the animators and the equipment. Ideally, you should be able to have access to a place where the organizers and the children can walk, without risk (no road, no sidewalks)
  • The organizers will make sure that the proposed place for the birthday is suitable for the birthday hoverboard formula at home before intervening


  • Pack 5 children or teenagers: €269 (travel costs included)
  • Pack 10 children or teenagers: €494 (travel costs included)
  • Pack 15 children or teenagers: €674 (travel costs included)
  • 50€ / additional child or teenager

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