– New Circus – Mime – Dance – Fairy
  • We like: A show of infinite poetry
  • Age: for all, from 8 years old
  • Duration: Until May 14
  • Place: Théâtre de l’Atelier (Paris 18th)
Bells and spells, the show for all audiences

Bells and Spells : une infinie poésie

  • A wonderful show for all audiences, between the art of mime, new circus, and dance
  • On stage Aurélia Thierrée and Jaime Martinez, members of theThierrée and Chaplin tribe. Aurélia Thierrée is Chaplin’s granddaughter, the daughter of the formidable couple of the invisible circus, the sister of the acrobat James Thierrée… In short, Aurélia Thierrée is part of the wonderful family galaxy united by a crazy talent, an extraordinary sense of showmanship
  • A poetic dive into the existence of a kleptomaniac. A coat rack starts to walk. Seats and a table slide, a dress is suddenly moved by an independent life… The strange meets the marvellous here
  • Bells and Spells: literally means “bells and spells”. We are charmed, subjugated, we love it!
  • A 1h10 show

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