Discover the Opéra-Comique repertoire through storytelling!
From 6 years
Season 2024/2025 - Next date: September 28, 2024
Opéra Comique in Paris
Hall Boieldieu © Sabine Hartl and Olaf-Daniel Meyer
  • PRINCIPLE Join us for a storytelling tour of a work from the Opéra Comique repertoire!
  • WE LOVE Discover the operatic repertoire with the whole family at the Opéra Comique (Salle Bizet)
  • AGE for children from 6 years old
  • PLACE : Opéra Comique (Paris 2ème)
  • RATE : 12 euros
  • DURATION : 1 hour
  • DATES September 28 - December 21 - March 19 - June 28
  • SCHEDULE: 14h

"Parent-child workshops at the Opéra Comique

Family workshops at the Opéra Comique, a magical bel canto venue!
For discover the operatic repertoire, the Opéra comique in partnership with the Little io company, takes young and old on a voyage of discovery. a story told around a myth and a famous opera.

  • September 28, 2024 at 2pm: "Domino Noir" (Black Domino)around Daniel-François-Esprit Auber's Opéra-Comique. Premiered December 2, 1837 at the Opéra-Comique. Zany characters, a love story, misunderstandings and sparkling music. Le Domino Noir has it all! In this family workshop, we'll take you on a journey of discovery through a landmark work of comic opera, celebrating joy and freedom.
  • December 21, 2024 at 2pm: "Les Fêtes d'Hébé" (The Feasts of Hebe)around Jean-Philippe Rameau's Opéra-Ballet. Premiered May 21, 1739 at the Académie Royal de Musique (Opéra). In mythology, Hébé is the daughter of Zeus and Héra, and goddess of Youth. Surrounded by the Graces and Love, she leaves Olympus one day to celebrate poetry, music and dance on earth.
  • March 19, 2025 at 2:30 p.m. : "Samson based on Claus Guth and Raphaël Pichon's free creation after Samson. Premiered on July 4, 2024 at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence. When Hercules, the mythological superhero, meets Samson, the biblical hero gifted with prodigious strength, it promises an epic story, carried by music of extraordinary dramatic expressivity.
  • June 28, 2025 at 2 p.m.: "Faust".. "Ah! I laugh to see myself so beautiful in this mirror!" The beautiful Marguerite allows herself to be seduced by beautiful jewels, without suspecting that the man who offers them to her is an old fool who has sold his soul for a moment of youth and love. Will she be able to save him? Faust is a devilishly good myth for the whole family to discover.
concerts for children from 6 years old at the Opéra Comique

The comic opera is aimed at young audiences and offers an original and varied offer for children from 6 years. There are the "sharing the voice“, "My 1st Opera Festival" with operas especially for young audiences, Musical snacks, commented recitals, and also operas that all young music lovers can enjoy from the age of about 10.

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