An unusual birthday formula for children and pre-teens, very original and unique which is a great success. It is an introduction to the Hoverboard + games and e-Hockey matches in a hoverboard + snack (depending on the formula). It’s an original birthday idea during which your children will have a lot of fun and exercise!

Original birthday from 8 years old: E-hockey on a hoverboard

The formula

  • 1 introduction to the practice of Hoverboarding (between 30 minutes and 1 hour depending on the level and age of the children)
  • Team games and matches
  • For the formula with snack: 1 slice of “homemade” cake and 1 drink per participant
  • This formula is very complete since it combines the learning and discovery of the very trendy Hoverboard and the fun side of e-Hockey©
  • It’s sporty and fun, and it appeals to young and old alike
  • It’s fun : a very nice outdoor activity that appeals to young children as well as pre-teens (in search of sensations)
  • You can easily and quickly learn to practice hoverboarding, unlike skateboarding (15 minutes for the most talented and 30 to 45 minutes for the less adventurous).
  • The teams of animators are “super cool” but extremely concerned about safety

Practical information

  • Age : from 8 years old (+ 25kg)
  • Duration : 1h30 for the formula without snacking
  • Duration : 2h30 for the formula with snack
  • 1 kit to protect yourself (mandatory): helmet, yellow vest, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards
  • 1 cross and 1 hoverboard for each child
  • 1 animator for 8 children or teenagers
  • Meeting point : 4th arrondissement

Prices, without tasting it

  • Pack for up to 5 children: €200 (without snack)
  • Pack for up to 10 children: €350 (without snack)
  • 35€ / extra child (beyond 5 or 10)
  • Duration: 1h30 (initiation then e-Hockey games)

Prices with snack

  • Pack for up to 5 children: €250 (snack included)
  • Pack for up to 10 children: €449 (snack included)
  • 45€ / extra child (beyond 5 or 10)
  • Duration: 2h30 (1h30 initiation + games then 1h for snack)

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