Event ended – Free
  • WE LIKE: an outdoor family event
  • AGE: for the whole family
  • DATE: August 29 to September 13, 2020
  • LOCATION: at the Parc Floral (Paris 12th)
  • FREE : to benefit from free admission, give the HORTUS password at the entrance to the park
Free event at the Parc Floral with the Dunois Theatre

The Théâtre Dunois invites young and old alike in front of the Théâtre du Parc Floral (in the Parc Floral de Paris) to discover 7 open-air artistic proposals : concerts, sound and poetic strolls, landscape installations and performances on the summer programme!


  • August 29 and 30 at 2 pm and 3 pm : Blue Tales / ALMAVIVA Ensemble (Cie Cela Dit)
    A “blue tale” is a wonderful story with a happy ending. Giving a place to the participation of children, these stories are presented in the form of a kamishibaï (“paper play” in Japanese), a travelling wooden theater where illustrations are paraded. The guitar underlines the stories being told.
  • September 4 at 5 p.m. and September 5 at 3 p.m. : La Ballade des Semeurs (Cie du Porte-Voix)
    Three artists visit the figure of the sower and take the audience on an “artistic walk” through the natural spaces, punctuating the landscapes with musical and choreographic impromptus. Resonating with the spaces they cross, they play with space and time, suspending, stretching, compressing… The public from a very young age is invited to take part in this sensitive and artistic encounter.
  • September 5 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and September 6 at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.
    A garden for tomorrow: the collective “I am a bird now” is creating a sound piece based on the children’s book written by Gilles Clément and Vincent Gravé: A garden for tomorrow. (Ed Cambourakis). “Alongside the character of the gardener, we cross eras and continents, to discover the origin of vegetables, their cultivation, their seasonality and the art of accommodating them.”
  • September 5 at 6 p.m. and September 6 at 11 a.m. : Qui pousse (Cie Lunatic)
    This show for young audiences, at the crossroads of circus, object theatre and visual arts, plunges young and old alike into a moving visual material, in constant transformation, in the hollow of a tangle of bamboo and cotton threads. Echoing each other, body and structure mutate, blooming from white to colour, while voices progress towards language, from inarticulate cries to harmonious singing in an imaginary language.
  • September 12 at 2 p.m. and September 13 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
    The Garden (ALMAVIVA / Cie Ensemble That Said) | For the past few days, Annick, the caretaker of the botanical garden, has not been doing very well. How do you put a smile back on his face? Bonzo the squirrel, Kiko the hedgehog, Venus the ladybug, Lola the frog… and Vincent the writer meet to find a solution. As the seasons go by, the story addresses the themes of difference and disability. Two musicians create a sound universe where rustling and animal cries become musical material to enter into dialogue with the text. OrpheusForms outside the walls of the text “Death is only death if love survives him” by Jean-Pierre Siméon.
  • September 12 and 13 at 6 p.m. (Cie Rêve Mobile)
    Three actors will meet the audience in order to convey to them the highlights of Orpheus’ life. Each episode will immerse the viewer in a very different universe, interspersed with songs and dance. From the birth of his vocation as a poet, to the prodigies he accomplishes, through his amorous encounter with Eurydice, his attempt to go and look for her in the underworld, then his own death, Orpheus’ destiny fascinates and amazes and questions us about the notion of courage.


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