19 fables by La Fontaine
Ideal from 5 years old
19 fables by La Fontaine
Ideal from 5 years old
Other family shows
The Fables of La Fontaine
- WE LIKE: 19 fables brilliantly presented by 4 actors
- AGE: for 5 – 11 years old
- DATE: until May 12, 2024
- DURATION: 55 minutes
- PLACE: At the Folie Théâtre (Paris 11th)
LES FABLES DE LA FONTAINE: a classic for everyone’s pleasure
- Nineteen fables by La Fontaine, in a complete version
- A staging full of humour, with respect for the original text
- Four energetic actors bring each of the animals to life with humour
- The most famous Fables are interpreted joyfully. It’s funny, for everyone’s pleasure
- A 55-minute show