For all from 10 years old
Every Saturday - Duration: 1h15
At the Museum of Magic (Paris 4th)

"The Magic School
It's brand new!

  • WE LOVE : real magician training, with an internationally renowned magician - the opportunity to take a child/parent class
  • AGE for all ages 10 and up; also for adults
  • WHERE at the Musée de la Magie et des Automates (Paris 4th arrondissement)
  • WHAT Training to become a perfect magician. Courses by the unit or by monthly or annual subscription
  • DURATION: 1:15
  • HOURS 2pm to 3:15pm Saturdays during the school year (not during school vacations)
  • RATE : 45€ per participant

Attention: places are going fast!

On the program for this school of magic, for children and adults:

School of Magic is designed by Bébel le Magicien for the museum of magic and automata. Courses are available for children (aged 10 and over) as well as for adult amateurs and even for those who are already experienced. This school of magic is an opportunity for children and parents to take classes together.

  • Teaching focuses on basic techniques, rhythm, improvisation and sequences.
  • Magical principles and concepts are studied in depth, as well as trick mechanics and how to react to unexpected situations.
  • Emphasis is also placed on presentation, enabling each student to showcase his or her performance.

For children and adults, the aim is to learn magic tricks that they can then perform in public.

  • This involves developing skills through exercises involving hand and finger movements on everyday objects.
  • Each student is encouraged to practice public speaking by telling stories while performing the tricks they have learned.
  • If you choose the year-round option, the courses will culminate in an end-of-year show.

All magic workshops ♡♡♡ :

Celebrate your birthday at the Museum of Magic

  • AGE : for 6 - 12 years old
  • DURATION: 2h30
  • BUDGET : 25€ per child
  • WHEN: Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays
  • The Museum of Magic birthday package includes: a visit to the museum, a magic show and a small gift for each child (a little trick learned during the birthday party)
  • A room made available to parents and children for tea (brought by parents)
  • The snack is paid by the parents
magic workshop for 8-14 year-olds
Copyright Le musée de la Magie

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