
The wolf in briefs

  • WE LOVE : burlesque situations and pedagogy for the little ones
  • AGE : from 4 years
  • DATE: until August 27, 2024
  • DURATION: 45 minutes
  • LOCATION: Theater Le Bout (Paris 9th)

You're more afraid of the wolf when he's in his underwear!

  • "Le loup en slip" is a hilarious show based on the famous children's books
  • Accessible to all audiences, this story evokes the figure of a wolf whom the whole forest fears ...
  • But one day he appears wearing ... underpants!
  • A nice animal that doesn't eat anyone and wears underpants doesn't scare anyone anymore! No one in the forest buys the wolf repellents that used to sell so well...
  • This fable, featuring some 15 forest animals clearly identifiable by their costumes, takes a burlesque and humorous look at collective certainties, rumors and unfounded fears.
  • Thanks to this unlikely pair of underpants and ingenious set design, children are gently challenged about our society.
  • It's a show for children as young as 4-5 years and again for teens

Press coverage ...

  • Festival off d'Avignon : "[...] Accessible to all audiences, this enchanting show will take you on a timeless journey through time".
  • La Provence: "The audience is delighted to see the characters from the famous comic strip come to life thanks to the talent of the actors from the CréACT'itude company".
Le loup en slip teaser

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